Tuesday, August 31, 2010

All Glory be praised

Its all over and we won our custody battle. The kids will be safe for at least 75% of their childhood. My surgery went well. As long as I don't overdo it, I feel great. The trick is to not overdo it with three kids and a husband,lol. Trevor is also on the mend. He's gaining weight and feeling better. The kids started school yesterday. Lisee was the only kindergardener to pull up on a little motorcycle. She thought that she was something else,lol. I only cried for a couple of hours after I took her to kindergarden. Trevor and I picked them up from school. It was a mad house. I've never seen a school this big!! The kids love it. And I love that its only half a block away from our house. :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Surgery time..

What a summer. Who knew we'd be bombarded with health problems so early on. Its been a blast, let me tell you. So after waiting over 7 weeks to get into to see the neurosurgeon, today was the big day. We waited an hour just to get into one of the little waiting rooms. The doctor came in for a few seconds, only to answer his cell phone, then step back out. It was a good thing I had the kids bring their coloring books and a snack, and I brought my latest Mary Higgins Clark mystery. So once the doctor was done with his phone call, he came back into the room, only for his phone to go off again. Nice. The surgeon then proceded to tell me that I was in bad shape, and that I needed surgery asap. He said that I wouldnt have as much nerve damage if I wouldve come in earlier. Well, I strongly agree. However, his office was the one to schedule me so far out, even after I begged and pleaded. The big day is Monday. Im a little nervous, but really looking forward to walking again. I told the kids that the doctor is going to insert an alien in my back, like in the book "The Host" by Stephanie Meyers. The Baby was a little worried about that,lol. In all reality, Im sure I will miss riding in a motorized scooter everywhere I go,lol.