Sunday, October 17, 2010

Weekend Fun

So we went to the kid's fall festival om Friday night. The kids had the time of their loves. Sarah was a black cat, Tice was Darth Vadar, and the Baby was a mermaid. There were over 1500 kids and their parents there. Daddy and the mermaid did the cakewalk together. She won a Hello Kitty cake. I've never seen her more happy in her life, lol. Trevor called her his good luck charm because he's never won anything before. Tice threw a sponge at one of the teachers, and got the poor man right in the face. Sarah was everywhere with her BFF. I hadn't eaten anything in a few days, and the smell of everything was killing me. By yesterday night, I was in pretty bad shape, so Trevor took me to the ER. They gave me an IV and some meds. My sweet husband kept getting me warm blankets cause I was freezing to death. He also did the grocery shopping for me. He got 10 packs of "snack packs" and some pickles. We are definantly set for the week,lol. The sweet little baby growing inside of me makes it all worth it. His little heartbeat is so sweet. Here are some pics of our fun weekend.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

October heat

So its October, and we are still baking! Trevor says it will cool down soon, but we'll see. I remember living in Dallas for a summer, than driving with my grandparents to college out west. It was 80 degrees in Kansas, and my grandma and I were so cold that we bought some hot chocolate. I must admit, 80 degrees will feel frigid once again! The kids are looking forward to trick or treating without wearing several layers of clothes underneath their costumes, as they always have in the past. They have been wearing their customes for a week. My big girl is especially cute dressed as a black cat. She's almost at the age of uncertainty. I am encouraging her childhood for all its worth.
She and the Baby have been especially helpful while Ive been morning sick. They have even brought me cold chicken noodle soup for breakfast at 6am. If I wasnt sick already, that would have done the trick itself! The Baby is excited to not be the smallest. But chances are, the new baby will be bigger than her in a year, lol. She is so tiny. Ive never seen a 5 year old fit into size 2T clothes. Artice is loving being "the man of the house" when Daddys at work. I can't believe what a great shot he's become. We got him a 22 rifle for his birthday, and we go shooting in the desert once a week. That boy can nail the target like no other. This last time we went shooting, Tice shot several of Trevor's pistols. The look on his face was priceless. He was one happy boy.
Trevor is on the mend. I often tell him that he's starting to get chubs on his tummy. Okay, so maybe its the other way around,lol. But he is doing so much better. I told him that I want him to gain some serious sympathy weight while I'm prego. He's very excited about the baby, or babies. We're crossing our fingers for twins. We find out on Thursday, at the ultrasound. I want twins for several reasons. Several of my friends have twins, and they are so adorable. I love seeing them in matching outfits. And I have to say, that I'm pretty good at telling identical twins apart. Twins run in my family, so we have a chance. :) The good news is, that either way, I'm due before it gets super hot again.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

All Glory be praised

Its all over and we won our custody battle. The kids will be safe for at least 75% of their childhood. My surgery went well. As long as I don't overdo it, I feel great. The trick is to not overdo it with three kids and a husband,lol. Trevor is also on the mend. He's gaining weight and feeling better. The kids started school yesterday. Lisee was the only kindergardener to pull up on a little motorcycle. She thought that she was something else,lol. I only cried for a couple of hours after I took her to kindergarden. Trevor and I picked them up from school. It was a mad house. I've never seen a school this big!! The kids love it. And I love that its only half a block away from our house. :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Surgery time..

What a summer. Who knew we'd be bombarded with health problems so early on. Its been a blast, let me tell you. So after waiting over 7 weeks to get into to see the neurosurgeon, today was the big day. We waited an hour just to get into one of the little waiting rooms. The doctor came in for a few seconds, only to answer his cell phone, then step back out. It was a good thing I had the kids bring their coloring books and a snack, and I brought my latest Mary Higgins Clark mystery. So once the doctor was done with his phone call, he came back into the room, only for his phone to go off again. Nice. The surgeon then proceded to tell me that I was in bad shape, and that I needed surgery asap. He said that I wouldnt have as much nerve damage if I wouldve come in earlier. Well, I strongly agree. However, his office was the one to schedule me so far out, even after I begged and pleaded. The big day is Monday. Im a little nervous, but really looking forward to walking again. I told the kids that the doctor is going to insert an alien in my back, like in the book "The Host" by Stephanie Meyers. The Baby was a little worried about that,lol. In all reality, Im sure I will miss riding in a motorized scooter everywhere I go,lol.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

DMV Dilema..

So I'm still adjusting to life in a big city. The long lines, the traffic, constant road name it. I went to the DMV today, for the 4th time in the last few months. Okay, so all I need is a drivers liscence and tags for the car. Well each time I come, they tell me that I need another document that I have to mail off for. Good heavens! The first time I went, I was there for almost 6 hours!! Thankfully, Trev's best friend who is a police officer, went with me. We were literally standing in line for hours. And there was even a popcorn stand there, which was a good thing, since it literally looked like a circus in there. I thought today would be the day they decided they had enough info about me. Appearently not......So next time I go, I'm pulling out all of the stops. Im gonna bring my baptismal certificate, letter of acheivement from my third grade teacher, a hair sample, and maybe even a urine sample...just in case. I mean Heaven forbid they ask me for that when I'm there, I might as well just hand it to them before they ask!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Birthday Boy

Happy Birthday to Trevor! After dinner we went to Sear's, one of his favorite "man stores". I think we could have been there all night! He had so much fun looking at tools, telling me what the tools are used for, etc. He got some wrenches, or something like that. I don't know what kind or anything, but I do know that they are shiny. I don't know what it is with men and tools, but appearently, tools are to Trevor what recipe books are to me,lol. After we went home, we had some chocolate cake and banana pudding. I hope he had a good birthday. He is now the big 30. And he loves it!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

On the hunt...

So I'm looking for a orange tabby kitten with black spots. We promised to get the kids a pet after we were settled in, and now we're ready. We need a kitten that enjoys having its nails painted, being dressed in baby clothes, and likes being towed around on bike rides. Did I mention the cat also needs to enjoy being bathed? Another thing the kids like to do, is put their cat in a high chair, then feed it mashed up bananas. Our cat was hit last summer... it was a sad day. So if you happen to see any ads for a tabby kitten, please let me know. We are serious animal lovers in our family. Here is a pic of Sarah and her dog Sunny. She misses Sunny so much.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Summer Fun..

So who'd have thought that a person would need to go to the emergency room to get a nap? Well, thats what I have to do now a days, lol. I have a bulging disk in my back thats causing lots of fun. I will be feeling fantastic after some surgery. I was starting to get a little upset that this whole process is taking so long, till I made a list of things to be greatful for.

Here they are:
1.) They know me on a first name basis at the doctor's office and the pharmacy. This will come in handy if Trevor or the kids ever gets a broken leg.
2.) People rush to open the door for me as they see me hobble by.
3.) My sweet husband gives me a back rub whenever I ask.
4.) The lifegaurd helps me walk to the side of the pool. Did I mention that we're on a first name basis as well? ;)
5.) And last but not least, I get to run over people in a motorized scooter at every grocery store, walmart, and Costco. Sometimes, I will even let the Baby steer the scooter. I think she does a better job than I do.

So how can you all be as fortunant to have a lifegaurd escort you into the pool area?? Its simple. Just get into a bad wreck, then wait a few months. It depends on a few pre-existing conditions as well, such as your genetics and other factors that are beyond your control. I think that everyone should be as lucky as me. Then we can all race each other in costco down the isles. And if that doesn't sound like fun, you can always hang out with the kids and I at the pool, with Juliene...yeah...he's the lifegaurd. Didn't I tell you we are on a first name basis? ;)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Wedding Day..

Here we are..May 22, 2010. This was the happiest day of my life. I couldn't stop smiling. Trevor looked so handsome in his tux. Artice and the girls looked adorable in their wedding clothes. The Boy wore his tux and the girls were in sundresses and petticoats. Artice also decided to act like a robot during the ceremony. He followed us down the isle saying, "meep..meep...meep." Thank you to all who braved the blizzard to share the day with us. I think thats the last bit of cold weather we will feel in quite a while!